Customize natural color to your craft and style. Learn how to grow a garden full of vegetables, herbs, and natural dye plants. Explore natural dyeing tutorials, workshops, and more, all customized to your fiber craft.

How do I prevent leggy seedlings? What are the best dye plants for a balcony? What are the best ways to dye with garden plants?
Learn to plant veggies and dye plants from seed, transplant, care for plants in containers or in garden beds, and dye with your flowers + herbs.

Do I really need to scour and mordant? What is immersion dyeing? How do I bundle dye? How do I shift natural color with iron? What is an indigo vat?
With Dirt + Dye Leaflets, you'll find easy to follow illustrated guides to learn to naturally dye your yarn, clothing, and more.
Do you knit? Weave? Spin? Crochet? Sew? Dye? All of the above? These natural dye workshops are tailored to natural dyeing for fiber artists and makers.
Learn how to naturally dye, personalized to you and the nuances of your fiber crafts.